Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama has recently shared his thoughts on the latest movie of the shonen franchise he created, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. The film has taken a different approach to the series by shifting the focus of the story away from Goku and Vegeta to Gohan and Piccolo as they defend Earth from the newly-revived Red Ribbon Army, their two new androids, and a bigger threat. The interview was shared by Twitter outlet DBSHype. Toriyama contributed to the writing of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’s story, and here’s what the 67-year-old mangaka said: The Dragon Ball creator went on to discuss the return of the Red Ribbon Army, while also noting giving Goku and Vegeta a break: Akira also thanked everyone involved with bringing Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’s story to life: The anime film, which featured innovative 3D animation and never-before-seen transformations, has been dominating the global box office. You can read the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’s official synopsis from Crunchyroll: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is now showing in theaters in the U.S. and other regions.

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