Black Summoner is originally a light novel series released on the Shosetsuka ni Naro novel posting site. Eventually, it was adapted into a manga with Gin Ammo’s illustrations before it was turned into an anime by studio Satelight. The anime ran from July to September 2022.

What Happened in the Black Summoner Finale?

In Black Summoner Episode 12, Clive tried to hypnotize Efil and turn her into a sex slave but Kelvin defended her. He realized that Clive was reincarnated and gained the Hypnosis skill. Kelvin scarred his face, prompting Clive to use a Rank S hurricane spell. The fight ended with a draw which disappointed Kelvin. The battle encouraged Kelvin to train more and strengthen his power. An elven girl revealed that she is Leonhart Gaun and confirmed that Kelvin is now S Rank. An official promotion ceremony awaited Kelvin, and he must prepare for a mock battle against other people who are in the S Rank. While the last episode ended on a good note, it was mostly what the viewers expected. Since the beginning of the isekai series, Kelvin has proven himself to be powerful and unbeatable. His fight against Clive felt like it was a boss-level battle considering how powerful Clive is. But then again, Kelvin was able to gain the upper hand and could have potentially won if Clive had not been saved by Tristan. The generic approach of the finale was disappointing, especially to those who expected more from the series. There is no other meaning behind the episode except the fact that Kelvin has improved his rank and is ready to take on stronger enemies in the future, which is basically the concept of the show. There was also little progress in terms of character development, but this could still be done in Season 2, considering that the finale ended on a cliffhanger.

Will There Be a Black Summoner Season 2?

As of writing, there is still no confirmation whether Black Summoner will get a sequel or not. With the way Season 1 ended, there could still be a possibility for Kelvin’s story to continue. In terms of content, the light novel and manga are still ongoing, giving fans hope that there will be enough content to cover for a potential sequel. The isekai anime also gained popularity, but is it enough for studio Satelight to renew the series? For now, Black Summoner fans will have to wait for an update. They also have the option to read the manga and light novel series to find out what happens next in Kelvin’s journey. Read Next: Is Black Summoner a Harem Anime?

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