From the original cast of Enchanted, Idina Menzel is coming back for the highly anticipated sequel, Disenchanted, as Nancy Tremaine, and this time, it will be her time to belt out the songs in the sequel as the new clip of the film shows her singing her heart out with Love Power. In Disenchanted, Giselle will be back in a new adventure as her new family, now with her child with Robert, and Morgan, moving to a new town, and she wished her fairy tale life back with an Andalasian wand, accidentally turning the whole town into a fairy tale. Since Giselle is the step-mother of Morgan, usually step-mothers aren’t good in fairy tales, so Giselle takes a whole turn into being a villain herself. With the song Love Power, it seems that it reminds Giselle of wo she really is with the lyrics, “Just remember the memories that show us the power of love.”

READ MORE: Disenchanted First Reactions Are In: “Disappointing,” “It Doesn’t Have The Same Charm” As Enchanted

Giselle would have to dig deep in her heart to find the good in her and save her family, her new town, and the Kingdom of Andalasia before the spell becomes permanent at midnight. Will Giselle be able to save everyone and find her happily ever after or will it be a happily never after? Idina Menzel belts her heart out as Nancy Tremaine and Amy Adams returns as Giselle in Disenchanted with Patrick Dempsey as Robert and Gabriella Baldacchino as Morgan, and James Marsden as Prince Edward. New cast members include Maya Rudolph as the villain, Malvina Monroe, Jayma Mays as Ruby, and Yvette Nicole Brown as Rosaleen. Disenchanted releases on Disney Plus on November 18, 2022.

Disenchanted New Clip Shows Idina Menzel Belting Out Sequel s Song Love Power - 9