The hits kept coming this year as the actor was involved in multiple scandals involving different people whom he allegedly threatened. This month, the star of DC’s The Flash finally came clean and while he didn’t directly address his “victims”, he revealed that he’s been seeking professional help and promises to do better as a person.Warner Bros. has taken Ezra’s public apology positively and as it stands, the studio is keeping him on board, potentially to appear in more DC Extended Universe projects, much to the chagrin of his critics who believe it would take more than an apology to clear his image.If that wasn’t enough, Miller’s next project DALÍLAND was announced this week and unsurprisingly, the fans aren’t pleased. On Twitter, Ezra’s name has once again become a hot topic (which frankly has become a common occurrence) and this time around, the actor is being accused of pulling his white privilege card to get away with his controversies. Check out some of the reactions below:

Also Read: The Flash Will Reportedly Undergo Massive Script RewriteWell, it’s quite obvious that despite his recent apology, a lot of people still aren’t ready to forgive Miller for his actions and misbehavior. It’ll be interesting to see how it affects the reception of his upcoming projects, including The Flash which is reportedly undergoing massive rewrites. Honestly speaking, I doubt his public perception will change in the coming months but I guess Ezra will just have to deal with his infamy.The Flash is currently scheduled for release on June 23, 2023.

Fans Claim Ezra Miller is Getting Away with Controversies Because of White Privilege - 67