The series “follows Kratos, the God of War, who, after exiling himself from his blood-soaked past in ancient Greece, hangs up his weapons forever in the Norse realm of Midgard. When his beloved wife dies, Kratos sets off on a dangerous journey with his estranged son to spread her ashes from the highest peak—his wife’s final wish. Kratos soon realizes the journey is an epic quest in disguise, one which will test the bonds between father and son, and force Kratos to battle new Gods and monsters for the fate of the world.”

“We are honored to share in the adventure of exploring the God of War mythology in such a momentous way with Sony Pictures Television, PlayStation Productions, and Santa Monica Studio.” It is exciting to see that the series is finally happening after talks of being in the works and this is a sign that fans are waiting for. Now, all they need to do next is to cast an actor who can play Kratos, which may be a difficult process considering the stature required to play the character. We should be hearing more updates about the project in the coming months. Also Read: The Super Mario Bros. Movie Releases First Clip Showing the Mushroom Kingdom

God of War TV Adaptation Receives Series Order at Amazon - 94