“Revisit the emotional and literal death-defying journey of Jon Snow,” the HBO recap video teases in its caption as it shows Jon Snow’s transformation and character development beginning from the moment he was first introduced as a bastard by Tyrion Lannister along with Snow’s relationship with the Starks family.

The Game of Thrones fans are convinced that further announcements and details will be unveiled at the first official Game of Thrones fan convention in Los Angeles this weekend where Kit Harington will also be attending.

Previously, Kit Harington has shared a bit of a teaser on just what the Jon Snow spinoff would look like, where the spinoff would take Game of Thrones fans. To that, Harington simply says, “He’s gotta go back up to the place with all this history… and live out his life thinking about all of this trauma,” at the official Game of Thrones Convention Sunday night.

Harington’s not wrong. In fact, imagine having to ‘compete’ with your lover slash auntie for the Iron Throne, thinking that only one is suitable to rule all over Westeros. Unfortunately, this led to Jon Snow killing Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) in fear of how much she had changed just to make the throne all hers. Ultimately, Harington’s got one thing to say about the series: “I think we wanted some kind of little smile that things are okay. [Even though] he’s not [feeling] okay.”

In the meantime, you can watch all seasons of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon Season 1 while waiting for further updates on the Jon Snow spinoff series’ release date. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.

ALSO READ: Kit Harington Reiterates Jon Snow Is ‘Not Okay’ In Game of Thrones Spinoff Series

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