As spotted by Manga Mogura, Kojima recently recommended the Girls Love manga series, Koriyohsi Yametai (I Want to Stop Being a Killer in English). In the tweet, it mentioned that the Metal Gear creator recommends the series, but not much else was mentioned. Upon doing some digging, it looks like Hideo Kojima himself retweeted the release announcement of Koriyoshi Yametai Volume 3 manga through his Japanese language Twitter account. The announcement also mentioned a promotion where Volume 1 can be read for free from July 13-19, 2022. Kojima often retweets or shares the movies, music, shows, and games that he is interested in. For Kojima fans, this retweet shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. Though what is surprising is that a quote of his appeared on the actual manga cover. As mentioned in a tweet by Kojima’s personal assistant Ayako, Kojima wrote a comment recommending the series on the Koriyoshi Yametai Volume 3 obi. In case you’re unfamiliar, an obi is a small strip of paper wrapped outside a book or manga. Think of it like a small dust jacket with space for promotion. Koroshiya Yametai is an ongoing Girls Love manga series that began serialization on Comic Days back in April 2021. The series follows Rose, an immigrant refugee who becomes an assassin to survive. Rose soon enters a relationship with an ordinary schoolgirl. Though what complicates things is that Rose’s girlfriend is the daughter of a priest – the same priest that Rose goes to when confessing her sins. Koroshiya Yametai is available on the Comic Days website, though it’s only available in Japanese, with no English language translation planned yet.

Hideo Kojima Puts His Seal of Approval on This Girls Love Manga - 65