In House of the Dragon Episode 9, the Greens immediately got to work to install Aegon II Targaryen as the new king after Viserys’ death. One of their big moves included locking Rhaenys in her room until she decides to pledge allegiance to the prince. Luckily, Ser Arryk gets Rhaenys out of her room so she could escape. However, they are caught up in the crowd gathering to watch Aegon’s coronation and Rhaenys sees an opportunity. She sneaks into the dragonpit and gets Meleys to crash out of the floor to interrupt the coronation.

Now, Rhaenys had an amazing chance to kill the Greens and ultimately prevent the Dance of the Dragons. However, she leaves them unharmed and flies away, presumably to Dragonstone to report what happened to Rhaenyra Targaryen. Not surprisingly, people were disappointed that Rhaenys didn’t say “Dracarys” to get rid of the Greens. Needless to say, fans have no problem repeating the word on Twitter, causing it to trend all day.

Although it would have been satisfying to see Rhaenys roasting the Greens right there and then. However, House of the Dragon is about the Dance of the Dragons and without the Greens, the show would only last one season. The latest episode of House of the Dragon is now available on HBO Max. House of the Dragon Episode 10 is titled The Black Queen and will premiere on HBO on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at 9:00 PM EST.

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