The first chapter of the Yu Yu Hakusho manga series debuted in Shonen Jump in 1990, it follows the story of a juvenile delinquent named Yusuke Urameshi. In an act of heroism, Yusuke sacrifices himself to save a kid from a rushing car, and in death, Yusuke’s ghost is given a chance to return ot the living if he completes some trials, but that’s just the beginning.

In the live-action adaptation, Kitamura Takumi will play Yusuke, but Netflix hasn’t revealed additional cast details for the upcoming live-action Yu Yu Hakusho TV series. Check out the latest release date updates for the show below:

Is Netflix’s Yu Yu Hakusho coming in November 2022?

Unfortunately, shonen fans will have to wait longer for Netflix’s live-action Yu Yu Hakusho series. As expected, Yu Yu Hakusho is not coming to Netflix in November 2022. We double-checked the schedule of Netflix movies and TV shows coming in November 2022, and it doesn’t include the highly-anticipated live-action adaptation. The good news is that Netflix has already confirmed a release date window for the highly-anticipated live-action adaptation of one of the greatest shonen series of all time.

When is the live-action Yu Yu Hakusho coming to Netflix?

Netflix already confirmed that the first season of the live-action Yu Yu Hakusho series won’t be released until December 2023.

Kazutaka Sakamoto, the producer of the live-action Yu Yu Hakusho, is also the executive producer behind Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Alice in Borderland, which won’t release its second season on Netflix until December 2022. This could explain why Yu Yu Hakusho won’t be released until December 2023 if Sakamoto and the crew behind Alice in Borderland Season 2 are currently focused on that series. If you want to know more about this show, check out everything we know about Netflix’s live-action Yu Yu Hakusho series. Also, check out our release date update for Netflix’s live-action One Piece series.

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