The story revolves around the nameless protagonist who dies in a car accident and reincarnates as a sentient sword in the isekai world. In the isekai world, the sword discovers that he can collect skills and abilities that will be useful to his wielder, a cat girl named Fran. Together, they decide to embark on an adventure to find the key to Fran’s evolution.

Is Reincarnated as a Sword Based on a Light Novel or Manga?

Reincarnated as a Sword is based on a light novel series of the same name written by Tanaka Yuu and illustrated by Llo. The light novel series began in 2015 as a web novel on Shosetsuka ni Naro’s official website. Shosetsuka ni Naro, for those who are unfamiliar, is a Japanese user-generated novel publishing website with over 800,000 novels. Following the success of its web novel, Reincarnated as a Sword was published as a light novel by Micro Magazine in 2016. In addition to its spin-off manga by Hinako Inoue in Comic Ride Magazine, the light novel series eventually received a manga adaptation that is illustrated by Tomowo Maruyama and published by Gentosha. READ MORE: Here’s Where You Can Watch Reincarnated as a Sword

Is Reincarnated as a Sword Finished or Ongoing?

Originally released in 2015, Reincarnated as a Sword is still ongoing, with 14 light novel volumes published. Likewise, after 12 volumes, its manga adaptation is still ongoing. The first volume of light novels was published in 2016, and the most recent volume was released in September 2022. The following is a list of all the Reincarnated as a Sword light novel volumes that have been released, as well as the story arcs that each volume has covered: The license for Reincarnated as a Sword in English is owned by the American publishing company, Seven Seas Entertainment. The series has been available in English print in both digital and physical editions since 2019. YOU MIGHT LIKE: Does the Sword Ever Return to Human Form in Reincarnated as a Sword?

Where to Read Reincarnated as a Sword

Currently, there is no place online where fans can legally read the English version of Reincarnated as a Sword for free, but it can be purchased in physical and digital versions. Reincarnated as a Sword is available in digital format from Kindle, BookWalker, Nook, Kobo, the iBooks app, and Google Play. Get the latest news and trends direct to your feed by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime or on Facebook. READ NEXT: The Best Isekai Manga to Read

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