One Piece Film: Red arrives in North America to take the international anime community by storm. The film follows Uta, Shanks’ daughter and Luffy’s childhood friend, as she prepares to perform a once-in-a-lifetime concert for all of her fans, including the Straw Hat Pirates, on the musical island of Elegia. Spoiler Alert: There are One Piece Film: Red spoilers ahead! RELATED: The Best Adventure Anime to Watch

Is There a Kiss Scene in One Piece Film: Red?

Unfortunately, there’s no kiss scene in One Piece Film: Red. In the movie, the closest thing to a kiss scene is when Sanji tries to throw himself at Uta, similar to how he behaves in front of beautiful women in the One Piece anime. One Piece Film: Red delves into the familial bonds shared by the three main characters, namely, Luffy, Uta, and Shanks. The relationship between Uta and Shanks is heavily emphasized throughout the film. Uta’s past memories with Luffy in Foosha Village were also featured in the film. As a result, fans expecting a kiss scene in One Piece Film: Red will be disappointed. Nonetheless, fans can always watch One Piece Episode 785 to see how Vinsmoke Reiju kissed Luffy to remove the poison from his body. READ MORE: Is One Piece Film: Red Set After Wano?

Does Luffy Like Uta?

Luffy does not consider Uta as a potential romantic partner in One Piece Film: Red. In fact, Luffy is more concerned with convincing Uta to accept his ambition of becoming the King of Pirates, despite the fact that Uta despises pirates. Uta feels the same way, and all she wants is for Luffy to join her in a world free of pirates. Because the two of them go back a long way, Uta believes that if Luffy supports her, it will be more enjoyable and easier to achieve her dream. ALSO READ: Is There a Post-Credits Scene in One Piece Film: Red?

Do Luffy and Uta End Up Together?

Unfortunately, Luffy and Uta did not end up together in One Piece Film: Red. Regardless, Luffy and Uta’s friendship grew stronger as they got to know each other better in the film. Luffy and Uta were only concerned with impressing Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates back in the day. They frequently competed in running and eating to see who was the fastest. They also told each other stories, especially when Uta and the Red Hair Pirates returned to Foosha Village. Things changed after Uta was abandoned on Elegia Island and Shanks lied to Luffy about her. Eventually, Luffy and Uta recognized and accepted each other’s dreams and ambitions. Despite being polar opposites, they respected each other’s decisions. Uta and Shanks also understood how their actions and decisions had serious consequences for both of them. Overall, there is no romantic tension between the main characters in One Piece Film: Red. Their bond is considered familial because Shanks treats Uta and Luffy like family, and the same goes between Uta and Luffy. Get the latest news and trends direct to your feed by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime or on Facebook. READ NEXT: Did Luffy and Shanks Meet in One Piece Film: Red?

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