During an interview with ET Online, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige got candid on why he decided to announce Phase 6 plans, rather than conclusively stopping at Phase 5.“Well, you know, we’re in a slightly different rhythm now. Phases 1, 2 and 3 were less projects over more years,” he said. “Now, we’re doing more projects, with all the amazing series we were able to do on Disney+, over less years. And it felt like we needed to let people know – people used to have that guide point of when an Avengers would come to cap the Phase – it felt like announcing today that the Multiverse Saga and two Avengers films would cap that was something that we needed to share.“Admittedly, Phase 4’s standalone stories somehow disconnected the whole MCU’s narrative, unlike the previous Phases that brought surprising team-ups of MCU heroes. That said, fans were a bit lost about which path the MCU is headed, or whether there will be another Phase as monumental as the Infinity Saga.Now, this major reveal from Feige assures the fans that the MCU is headed toward a more massive even compared to the Infinity Saga. With two back-to-back Avengers films announced along with Jonathan Majors’ Kang The Conqueror confirmed as the next Thanos-level threat, Marvel fans are surely in for a treat when MCU’s Phase 5 and 6 arrive.Avengers: The Kang Dynasty will premiere in theaters on May 2, 2025, while Avengers: Secret Wars follow months later, on November 7, 2025.Also read: X-Men MCU Reboot Will Reportedly Be Part of Phase 7

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