In case you don’t follow manga discussions online, while new Weekly Shonen Jump manga are officially released every Sunday, leaks typically happen on Wednesday or Thursday, typically from early printed copies ahead of the release. Given this, fans online have seen and discussed these leaks online, enough to get the hashtags #MHA364 and #MHASpoilers trending on Twitter with thousands of tweets each. Spoiler Alert: There are major spoilers for My Hero Academia Chapters 363 and 364 in this article. In case you need a refresher, Chapter 362 saw what seemed to be the death of Bakugo as he and other heroes faced off against the All For One-controlled Tomura Shigaraki. In Chapter 363, the pro heroes said that Bakugo’s heart has stopped beating, seemingly confirming his death. Based on the new leaks though, it seems that Bakugo will be saved by the Pro Hero Edgeshot. This is wildly different from the theories of how Eri with her Rewind Quirk will save him. From the leaks and fan discussions online, the theory is that Edgeshot will sacrifice himself to become Bakugo’s heart. How it works is that Edgeshot’s Quirk is called Foldabody, and it allows him to transform his body and slip into tight spaces. At the end of the chapter, it seems that Edgeshot exclaimed that he “will be the heart of this child,” likely indicating that he will be the one to revive Bakugo. Aside from serious discussions about Bakugo’s fate, the leaks have also produced lots of funny fan remarks. Some fans shared a funny theory of how instead of Edgeshot being Bakugo’s heart, Best Jeanist will instead make him a new denim heart. There are also lots of fans asking where Deku is as he has not appeared in a month. As the chapter still didn’t confirm if Bakugo’s death will be reversed or not, expect to see more discussions online about the next My Hero Academia chapters. My Hero Academia Chapter 364 will officially release on Sunday, August 28, 2022.

My Hero Academia Chapter 364 Leak Shows How Bakugo Can Be Saved - 13