Lance Reddick, who plays Albert Wesker in Netflix’s Resident Evil, opened up about major characters he wants to see in the show’s second season. Reddick admitted unfamiliarity with the video games, but acknowledged the films and expressed interest in seeing former Resident Evil lead star Milla Jovovich as Alice.“Wow. It’s so tough because I haven’t played the games, even though I actually did watch most of the movies, There was one summer when I had a couple weeks where, don’t ask me why, but I was binging late into like 4:00 in the morning watching the movies,” he told “But honestly, the films are so action-heavy that Milla Jovovich’s character is the only one that I really remember. I feel that it would be really interesting to see if and how her character could come into this series.“Well, who would oppose that? Milla Jovovich was the first lead of the live-action adaptation of Resident Evil and played Alice for more than a decade. Jovovich officially stepped off the role in 2016’s Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. With that said, the new Netflix adaptation could easily give her a role, or maybe reprise her iconic character Alice from the first Resident Evil movies.Sadly, Netflix hasn’t yet renewed Resident Evil for a second season. In the meantime, the entirety of Resident Evil Season 1 is available to stream on Netflix.Also read: Netflix’s Resident Evil Ending Explained: Is Jade Wesker Alive?

Netflix s Resident Evil Star Wants Milla Jovovich s Alice to Return in Season 2 - 18