In Loki Episode 5, Journey Into Mystery, we get to see the wasteland where all those who got pruned were taken and death seems to be inevitable as while Lokis have survived whatever the condition is in The Void, others are not so fortunate as they encounter a gargantuan creature called Alioth which looks like a giant cloud devouring living creatures and when he passes, everything it touches turns into waste.

Who is Alioth in Loki Episode 5?

Loki calls it as the monster in the sky. Kid Loki says it is the one thing that makes sure no one alive will ever return after being pruned by the Time Variance Authority. Boastful Loki describes it as a “living tempest” which devours matter and energy. As for Classic Loki, he considers it as a shark tank wherein Alioth is the shark. Who is Alioth, anyway? Alioth is a cloud-like creature as shown in the episode who devours those who are sent to The Void. It eliminates life and leaves the things behind as wasted as they could ever be. Its eyes glow red and the purplish cloud grows to form branches to reach and dissipate life around it. This isn’t the first time Alioth has been known to Marvel as it is based on comics. In Marvel Comics, Alioth the Usurper, Alioth for short, is considered as the first creature to ever escape from the flow of time. It can dominate various realities within the timestream, however, Alioth was stuck at the end of time, the home of Kang the Conqueror, in a place called the Chronopolis. Just how powerful Alioth can be has been shown throughout Episode 5 where USS Eldridge was devoured by the creature and all the people in the ship dissipated when Alioth passed it. By the time it was done, the ship was merely a skeleton rusting in the middle of nowhere and Loki was surprised as to how strong such a creature is. However, when Sylvie arrived at The Void, she tapped and connected into it seeing what seems to be a city hiding behind Alioth and she deduced that whatever or whoever there is may be able to answer all the things that have happened. Loki and Sylvie join forces as they enchant Alioth and tries to open the “curtain” to what seems like a city just like that of Chronopolis. With Kang’s apparent arrival in the MCU, having both Renslayer and Alioth connected to him, could it be possible that the man behind the curtain is him? It is not impossible considering that his casting in MCU has been a little too early. But will he debut or at least have a cameo in Loki? There are a lot of things circling this theory but having Alioth, all the stars are now pointing to Kang. All episodes of Loki Season 1 are available to stream on Disney+.

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