Bocchi the Rock! is a four-panel manga series released in Manga Time Kirara Max. CloverWorks adapted the series into an anime that was released as a slice-of-life anime in October 2022. When the show was first released, people noticed that the band members’ family names and band roles were based on Asian Kung-Fu Generation, a real-life Japanese rock band. Could this be the reason behind Bocchi the Rock!’s rising fame?

The comedy anime follows the story of Hitori Gotou who wants to play the guitar but struggles with being an extreme introvert. Her life changed when she met Nijika Ijichi and became a part of the Kessoku Band. Some people might consider Bocchi the Rock! as a typical slice-of-life anime until they see what the show has in store for them.

Relatable Characters

While most of the scenes are funny, they also showcase the development of each character. Throughout the series, Hitori will be pushed to her limits in order to achieve her dream. But the story doesn’t revolve around Hitori alone, as the other characters also get their time and space to grow. The anime highlights Hitori’s journey but it also features the other characters’ stories and how they deal with their personal issues. The show was made to be relatable and real, attracting a lot of viewers who learn from the characters as well.

Great Music

As a music anime, Bocchi the Rock! also exceeds expectations. From the anime’s intro to the band’s performances, viewers appreciate the well-thought-out music featured in each episode. The series has also been commended for portraying musicians (and their struggles) accurately. The show was meant to be funny and light, but it turned out to be inspiring as well. YOU MIGHT LIKE: The Best Band References in Bocchi the Rock!’s Manga and Anime

What Should Aspiring Viewers Expect From Bocchi the Rock!?

Aside from those mentioned above, Bocchi the Rock! is an anime that appeals to all types of anime fans, not just music lovers. It showcases friendship and the struggles of fitting in and working hard to achieve one’s dreams. Bocchi the Rock! certainly deserves the love and attention it’s receiving. CloverWorks has done a good job of portraying different issues and bringing these inspiring characters to life. Get the latest news and trends direct to your feed by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime or on Facebook. READ NEXT: My Aha Moment With Bocchi the Rock!

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