Why Did Asa Ask Denji on a Date?

Asa dislikes Denji but she asked him on a date due to her misunderstood plan of defeating Chainsaw Man as per the War Devil’s requests and reassuming control of her body. At first, Asa was reluctant to help Yoru – as the War Devil calls herself – defeat her archenemy, Chainsaw Man, as she was personally indifferent to devil conflicts. However, seeing her only friend Yuko suffering and becoming a devil deeply affects Asa. To stop this from happening again, she decides to help Yoru defeat Chainsaw Man in hopes that, once she’s able to return to full power, Yoru will let her have full control of her own body once again. The only flaw in the plan is that Asa and Yoru have no idea that Denji is the real Chainsaw Man. Instead, they’re persuaded that Chainsaw Man is a devil hunter named Ineumi, who welcomes Asa into his devil-hunting group. Unlike Denji, Asa Mitaka is a fiend, so her body is taken over by a devil, and she only retains her consciousness and identity because Yoru allowed this to happen.

Does Asa Like Denji?

To put it simply, no, Asa does not like Denji. In fact, Asa’s dislike for Denji is partly why she chose to ask him out in particular. When a devil becomes attached to a human body and turns them into a fiend, they do have some power, but they are less strong than a full devil. As such, Yoru can’t hope to fight Chainsaw Man with her current power level. Instead, she needs Asa to use the War Devil’s power to create a destructive weapon to attack Chainsaw Man with. Unfortunately for Asa, the weapon must be made out of something or someone she cares about – or at least a person or object she would regret destroying. When Yoru proposes bonding with a pet cat and then killing it and making it into a weapon, Asa is repulsed by the idea. Knowing that she cannot choose a random criminal who, in her mind, would deserve to die, Asa decides to choose her victim among people she dislikes, but whom she doesn’t consider bad enough to deserve death. Unfortunately, this person turns out to be Denji; a classmate Asa dislikes, but who also isn’t as bad as a criminal. When Denji declines to spend time with her, Asa makes him an offer he can’t refuse; a date. YOU MIGHT LIKE: What Are the War Devil’s Powers and How Powerful Is It?

Will Asa and Denji End Up Together?

It’s quite unlikely that Asa and Denji would end up together, though we don’t put it beyond Chainsaw Man to make such a wild decision. Asa and Denji are incompatible in more ways than one. He’s over-the-top, extroverted, and not particularly bright, thinking only about girls and food. Meanwhile, Asa is cold, calculating, and introverted with no particular communication skills. It’s quite common for characters in literature and media to date even though they are entirely different from each other, but, so far, we cannot think of anything that would make Asa like Denji. Of course, Chainsaw Man hardly ever goes the way fans predict it’ll go, so some readers hope for a twist. Already, in one of Chainsaw Man’s best arcs, Denji dates and falls in love with a devil girl who also cares about him, but their complicated lives make it impossible for the relationship to continue. Asa’s fake offer to go on a date with Denji is by no means the worst thing that has happened in Chainsaw Man, but fans still find it a bit heartbreaking. Denji isn’t the best character in terms of morality, but, in many ways, he’s endearing to fans as Fujimoto allowed him to be raw and real; a stark opposition to more idealized shonen anime and manga characters. While he’s a powerful hybrid, what Denji really cares about is a normal life with a girlfriend, rather than saving the world. This makes it even worse because all the girls he cares about in a romantic way end up betraying him in some way. As such, many fans hope that there will be some sort of twist this time, and that, perhaps, he and Asa will actually fall in love – or at least that Asa will refuse to kill him when the time comes. Of course, Yoru can still control Asa’s body whenever she wants, so things are bound to get very complicated very soon, even if Asa comes to care about Denji. Want the latest on all things anime? Make sure you follow us on Twitter! READ NEXT: Who Does Denji End Up With in Chainsaw Man?

Will Asa and Denji End Up Together in Chainsaw Man  Our Predictions - 7