My Hero Academia: Vigilantes follows the story of Koichi Haimawari. He is not a licensed hero like Izuku Midoriya but he uses his quirk to help other people. He and Kazuho Haneyama, a street performer, were saved by Knuckleduster. Then they started working with him as vigilantes.

Will There Be A My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Anime Soon?

Unfortunately, no news has been made on whether My Hero Academia: Vigilantes will get an anime adaptation or not. Manga readers should not be worried though, as the door is not officially closed for them. Is there a chance for the manga to be adapted into an anime? Considering that My Hero Academia is widely popular around the world, and the manga received positive responses throughout the years, there is a chance that My Hero Academia: Vigilantes will be adapted. But when? Why isn’t there any news about it? It might be because the focus is on the My Hero Academia series. The superhero-themed anime is a huge commercial success that has sold more than 65 million copies. It is one of the best-selling manga series and was praised for its plot, art, and fight scenes, among others. We think that maybe after the My Hero Academia series is over, the focus might be on the spin-off. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes has released 15 volumes (126 chapters) as of writing, which means there is enough content to be adapted. Season 5 of My Hero Academia covered 64 chapters of the manga. If the same strategy will be used once My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is adapted, this could mean that the studio has about two seasons’ worth of content. Again, these are just speculations, and only My Hero Academia creator Kohei Horikoshi or My Hero Academia: Vigilantes creators Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court can confirm if an anime adaptation is possible or not. Manga readers will have to tune in for new updates on the spin-off for now or they can stream the upcoming My Hero Academia season 6 set to release in October 2022.

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